Weather bulletin for sailing events - July 09, 2019
Venue: CII (Circolo Italia)
Current conditions: in the bay of Naples, the meteorological scenario is still modulated by a high-pressure system. The latter, in next 24 hours, will experience a gradual weakening, because of the incoming of a low-pressure from western Mediterranean Sea. Therefore, a more variable wind regime is expected today.
Weather Forecast for July 09, 2019: at race start, sunny or little cloudy conditions will occur. From 02:00 PM, an increase in cloudiness is expected, with no chances of significant rainfall. Winds will blow from southwestern until 02:00 PM, with an average speed of about 10 knots and gusts up to 15 knots; subsequently, winds will temporarily turn from northwestern and they will decrease in average speed. From 05:00 to 06:00, winds will blow from southeastern, with an average speed of about 10 knots. Air-temperature will be about 28°C (82°F) until 03:00 PM and then it will gradually rise up to 30°C (86°F). Relative humidity will range between 70 and 80% until 03:00 PM and then it temporarily decrease down 60%. Smooth sea is expected.
Hourly table forecast for CII (Circolo Italia) venue