Weather bulletin for sailing events - July 11, 2019
Venue: CII (Circolo Italia)
Current conditions: the gulf of Naples is affected by a low-pressure system, which determines unsettled weather conditions. In the next hours, the cyclonic area will gradually move eastward; therefore, an improvement of weather conditions is expected.
Weather Forecast for July 11, 2019: on race area, sunny or little cloudy conditions will occur. At race start, winds will blow from north-eastern, with an average speed of about 7-9 knots. From 02:00 PM, sea-breeze regime is expected: therefore, winds will blow from W-SW, with an average speed ranging from 10 to 13 knots and gusts up to 18-20 knots. Air-temperature will reach 30°C at 02:00 PM, and then it will slightly decrease down to 28°C. Relative humidity will range between 30 and 40% until 01:00 PM and then it will increase up to 70%. Smooth sea is expected.
Hourly table forecast for CII (Circolo Italia) venue

Wind speed and direction on Naples Bay at 12:00 PM

Wind speed and direction on Naples Bay at 01:00 PM

Wind speed and direction on Naples Bay at 02:00 PM

Wind speed and direction on Naples Bay at 03:00 PM

Wind speed and direction on Naples Bay at 04:00 PM

Wind speed and direction on Naples Bay at 05:00 PM

Wind speed and direction on Naples Bay at 06:00 PM